Energy savings program finder
Our curated list of incentives, tax credits, grants, and more provides access to programs that can help lower your utility bills and keep your home healthy, safe, and comfortable. Programs you find here can support things like:
Upgrades and repairs to HVACs, appliances, and water heaters that can make your home more energy- or water- efficient and help you save on water and power bills.
Home weatherization, such as adding insulation, replacing windows, or sealing cracks that let the elements in.
Renewable energy projects, including adding solar panels.
Environmental remediation and resiliency, such as removing lead-based paint hazards in your home or reducing stormwater runoff on your property.
Programs are sorted alphabetically. See the FAQs for more information on using this finder.
The information you provide will be used only to identify and share with you programs for which you may qualify. Fannie Mae will not retain the information you provide in any manner that will permit us or anyone else to associate it with you or your mailing address.
programs found in
This list and the program descriptions were compiled using program information available online as of December 2024 and are based on the income, household size, and location information you entered.
Program parameters and funding levels may change. Please contact program administrators for details about available funds, what a program covers, and eligibility requirements. There may also be programs available to you that are not included in these results.
Inclusion of a particular program on this list should not be interpreted as an endorsement or referral by Fannie Mae, nor as an indication that you qualify for participation.
We did not find programs in your area matching your search criteria. Please check back in the future, as we are regularly refreshing this data to include more programs.
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