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Prepare Your Home for Every Season

You can reduce the need for costly repairs and keep your home safe — and recover from any damage faster — by taking a few precautions to prepare.

Get your home ready for Mother Nature

While you can’t predict the weather, regular home maintenance can help reduce the negative impact on your home and your family. Consider these preparations.

Consider energy-efficient home improvements

Did you know that energy-efficient home improvements may also improve your home’s resiliency to weather events? Learn how you can use HomeStyle® Energy to finance upgrades that increase energy and water efficiency while reducing utility costs and improving resiliency to environmental disasters.

Learn more

Own Help Neighbors Prep

Help neighbors prep

Creating a neighborhood network where everyone’s home is looked after can be an added layer of protection during a weather-related emergency. So, once you’ve finished taking steps to secure yourself and your home, share this newfound knowledge by sending this page to a friend.

Find local energy savings programs

Need help funding energy upgrades?

Our Energy Savings Program Finder tool makes it simple to search for incentives, tax credits, grants, and more to help fund energy efficient upgrades and home repairs.

Get started


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